

Educating oneself about the feasibility study process is always recommenced. While the process for writing a feasibility study can seem daunting, we are MFN take a step by step approach, guiding our clients for a smooth, educational process. Our research team at MFN is recognized as an industry leader in writing, editing and reviewing feasibility studies. Feasibility studies are written prior to a project’s undertaking, typically before a development commences, a new product is introduced in the marketplace, or before financing or investment capital is procured. While a feasibility study is often the normative for real estate development projects, they are also a staple for a vast variety of industries and businesses and are used worldwide for project and product assessment. Indeed, feasibility studies are the tools most often utilized by companies, banks or investors when assessing whether a project is even viable to pursue or to infuse it with capital financing.

CLICK HERE for some tips here for how to write a feasibility study

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